ABOUT 04. Tel-Con Bidding
Tel-con bidding uses phone conferencing to auction items. Bidding through Tel-cons works best for groups under 50 people when technology is an issue. The Telcon is a great way to listen to the auction room activity without a computer for a larger audience. Teleconferencing is old school technology abandoned by most companies for web conferencing, but with an older, geographically diverse client group, the ability is handy.
Success Factors
Telephone bidding is highly reliable for groups under fifty people an excellent way to broadcast to a low-tech group. We will not use it for bidding in our large audiences. A Telcon can operate independently from the internet, which can have advantages. We typically use tel-con bidding to conduct the small private auction, to settle estates or limited bidding issues. Special arrangements are needed to use tel-con bidding services.
Do not let technology stop you from participating in our auction – use our Tel-con technology.
What to Expect
We discuss with the clients the advantages of web conferences over telephone conferences. Once we decide upon a tel-con, we will send dial-in instructions to the participants. When we decide upon a time and date, we will send an invitation to the participants. On the day, everyone calls in and interact as if we were in the same room.