THE HARMER NAME IS SYNONYMOUS WITH PHILATELY. Beginning in London in 1884, Henry Revell Harmer, grandfather of current Harmers International, Inc. president, Keith A. Harmer, embossed the Harmer name on the pages of philatelic history. Currently grooming the 4th generation, the “Harmer” family is the most trusted and highly respected name in stamps, autographs, manuscripts and other fine collectibles.
H.R. began dealing in philately at the age of 14 and in 1887 signed Britain’s Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, the highest honor England awards to philatelists. In 1918 he formed the famous, Harmers of London, a philatelic auction firm in 1918 on Bond Street. H.R. introduced many of his family members to the industry and in the early 1900’s the Harmer name dominated philatelic sales worldwide.
In 1936, H.R. sent his youngest son, Bernard off to the colonies to form Harmer’s of New York. Upon H.R.’s retirement, Bernard and his son Keith A. Harmer assumed control of the Harmer businesses, which included offices in Switzerland, Australia, and San Francisco, in addition to the New York and London offices.
Upon Bernard’s retirement in 1982, the London office was sold and Bernard’s children operated the remaining business. In the 1990’s, New York became the center of the philatelic auction world, with several new competitors, primarily former Harmer employees, emerging. Keith closed the Australian and San Francisco offices to focus all of his efforts on the New York Office.
In 2004, the H.R. Harmer corporate name was sold.
Keith A. Harmer continued to operate as a dealer, agent, and advisor to select clients. Upon the urging of many of his former clients, who missed the old style and integrity of a Harmer family auction firm, Keith decided to re-enter the philatelic auction business.
Today, Harmers International, Inc. provides the same quality, experience, and integrity that Harmer family clients all over the world have trusted for over 125 years.

We have expanded our use of technology, though we have retained our typewriters and carbon paper for emergencies. We offer online bidding and will (reluctantly, for a fee) accept credit cards.
We will continue to meet clients in New York City or at their homes or office. We now offer Zoom appointments.
London Offices
To satisfy our customers in Great Britain we revitalized our operations in London. Our legal name in the United Kingdom is H.R. Harmer Ltd.
Office Hours are by appointment only.
To contact us in the UK. call: (01144) 020 7989 3700
Facsimile: (01144) 020 7321 5667
Contributing to Harmer’s international position is personal service. From the initial receipt acknowledging delivery to the issuance of the settlement check, the vendor is kept fully informed.