ABOUT Supporting Young Collectors


Harmers International, Inc. is happy to support young philatelists.  We make our staff members available free of charge to any school or organization which supports young people.

Stamp collecting, which is the most popular hobby in the world, was actually started in the 1860s by children and teenagers.  As these young collectors became young adults, the collecting grew into a study of the material and the history.  In the 1920s collecting stamps for their value became widespread attracting the student of philately and the investor alike.

H.R. Harmer was one of those young collectors and was dealing in stamps in his early teenage years.  We try to help young people discover the joy of philately and stamp collecting.  Brandon Harmer at age 10, acting as his father’s assistant, noticed the benefit of his exposure to world stamps and postal history when taking English Literature and Non-Western. History classes.  Brandon went on to attend law school and is now a practising attorney in New York.  He has gained an appreciation for the UPU and rate agreements.  A young man’s experience in philately will be a lifelong asset.

Our goal is not to have philatelic pursuits replace the game boy or i-phone.  We help young people discover insights into history, geography, or topical selections that make collecting fun and personal.

   Please contact us for more information.