ABOUT Collection Management


 Generations of Harmer knowledge and experience can be brought to your collection.  Harmers, in conjunction with subject matter experts, if appropriate, can build, exhibit and manage your collection.

While we can not guarantee a gold medal collection, we have been intimately involved with some of the finest gold medal collections.  Our vast knowledge of available material and a creative approach can work for you.

We have assisted a broad range of clients; from those clients who only have the time to financially back exhibits, which represent the penultimate studies, and provide major contributions to world philately, to the beginning exhibitor who prefers to perform the majority of the work, but could use a little professional guidance.  Our love for philately is reflected in our collection service where our clients inadvertently benefit from our collection prowess when the time comes to liquidate the collection.

We have also been involved in public philatelic exhibits, understanding the philately from the perspective of a non-philatelist.  This approach helps to make exhibits interesting and informative to a broad audience who may not intrinsically know that the fact the picture is printed upside down and was used on a letter, make it significant.  Our public exhibits have focused on correspondence and transit routings that occurred due to historic events.

If you are a current exhibitor or a philanthropist who understands the many benefits of contributing to the world of philately, please contact us to discuss how Harmers International can work for you.