Cape of Good Hope – Eastern Province 1864 – 1910 The Guy R. Dillaway Gold Medal Exhibit Collection

This highly unusual postal history collection is both restricted to a specific area, namely the Eastern Cape Province, including British Kaffraria and Griqualand East and a time period that is limited to 1864 – 1910,the rate change for ship mail (6d to 1s per ½ oz, 1 April 1864) to the beginning of the Interprovincial period (31 May 1910).
The Handstruck Letter Stamps of the Cape of Good Hope from 1792 to 1853 and the Postmarks from 1853 to 1910, A. A. Jurgens, Cape Town, 1943 [Jurgens]
Postmarks of the Cape of Good Hope, Robert Goldblatt, Cape Town, 1984 [Goldblatt]
The Post Offices of the Cape of Good Hope 1792-1910, Franco Frescura, Johannesburg, 2002. This two-volume work of genius is particularly useful in the social history aspects of the area. [Frescura]
The Postal Stationery of South Africa Part 1: Cape of Good Hope, Natal, New Republic, Orange Free State, Transvaal, Zululand, W. J. Quik and Dr. G. H. Jonkers, 1998 [Quik & Jonkers]

Additional Abbreviations:
BONC Barred Oval Numeral Canceller

The production of the Cape of Good Hope section of the catalogue would not have been possible without the inestimable assistance of Richard Debney, FRPSL

Arrangement of Sale

Please Click on the description to see the section

1. Triangular and Triangular/Rectangular Combination Covers
2. Internal mail within the Eastern Province, British Kaffraria and Griqualand East
3. Mail to the British South African Colonies (other portions of the Cape Colony), Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal (South African Republic).
4. Mail to Overseas Destinations
5. Miscellaneous and Stampless Covers
6. Group Lots